Nginx 1.9.6 發布,具體(tǐ)更新信息如下(xià):
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process when
using HTTP/2.
Thanks to Piotr Sikora and Denis Andzakovic. -
*) Bugfix: the $server_protocol variable was empty when using HTTP/2.
*) Bugfix: backend SSL connections in the stream module might be timed
out unexpectedly. -
*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
different ssl_session_cache settings were used in different virtual
servers. -
*) Bugfix: nginx/Windows could not be built with MinGW gcc; the bug had
appeared in 1.9.4.
Thanks to Kouhei Sutou. -
*) Bugfix: time was not updated when the timer_resolution directive was
used on Windows. -
*) Miscellaneous minor fixes and improvements.
Thanks to Markus Linnala, Kurtis Nusbaum and Piotr Sikora.
Nginx(發音同 engine x)是一(yī)款輕量級的Web 服務器/反向代理服務器及電(diàn)子郵件(IMAP/POP3)代理服務器,并在一(yī)個BSD-like 協議下(xià)發行。由俄羅斯的程序設計師Igor Sysoev所開(kāi)發,最初供俄國大(dà)型的入口網站及搜尋引擎Rambler(俄文:Рамблер)使用。 其特點是占有内存少,并發能力強,事實上nginx的并發能力确實在同類型的網頁伺服器中(zhōng)表現較好.目前中(zhōng)國大(dà)陸使用nginx網站用戶有:新浪、網易、 騰訊,另外(wài)知(zhī)名的微網志(zhì)Plurk也使用nginx。